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Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Know about Postmaster Cadre

There was a cadre of Post Master, which was governed by the Postmaster Services Class II (Recruitment) Rules, 1975. The post of Postmaster, according to these rules, had been classified as Class II Gazetted, Non-Selection Post. This post was to be filled up 100% by promotion in the following manner :
A. 10% posts from amongst General line officials holding posts in Higher Selection Grade (Grade II) (scale Rs.550-760) and Higher Selection Grade (Grade I)(scale Rs.700-900) with 5 years’ service in either or both of the grades after appointment thereto on a regular basis, failing which from amongst officials of the above categories with less than 5 years’ service but with a combined total service of 8 years in these grades and in the next lower grade of Lower Selection Grade (scale Rs.425-640) after appointment thereto on a regular basis.
B. 90% posts from amongst Inspectors of Post Offices (scale Rs.425-700) with 5 years’ service in the grade, including service in the grades of Higher election Grade (Grade II) (Rs.550-750) Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices (Rs.550-900) and Higher Selection Grade (Grade I) (Rs.700-900) rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis.
2. There was a cadre of Postal Superintendents which was governed by the statutory set of rules equivalent to the Post Master Services Class II Rules, 1975.
3. In the year 1987 both these cadres were merged and were governed by the recruitment rules known as Department of Posts, Postal Superintendents/ Postmasters Group ‘B’ Recruitment Rules, 1987. These rules had also classified these posts as Group ‘B’ Gazetted Non Ministerial and it was a selection post and to be filled up by promotion in the following manner :
(1) 94% from amongst officers holding the post of Inspector, Post Offices or Inspector, Railway Mails :-
(i) With 5 years regular services in the scale of Rs.1640-2900, including services in the scale of Rs.2000-3200, if any or equivalent, failing which
(ii) With 8 years regular services in the scale of Rs.1400-2300 or above or equivalent.
(2) 6% from amongst General Line of Officials by means of a Departmental Competitive Examination amongst officers belonging to Higher Selection Grade-I (scale of pay Rs.2000-3200), Higher Selection Grade II (Scale of Pay Rs.1640-2900) and Lower Selection Grade (Scale of pay Rs.1400-2300) with 5 years regular service in either or all the 3 cadre together”.
4. In 1993 the above said rules were amended and the quota of 94% was bifurcated into 75% and 19% and it was laid down that 75% of the total posts shall be filled up by promotion from amongst Inspector of Post Offices & Inspector of Railway Mail Service (Pay Scale of Rs.1400-2300) with 5 years of regular service in the grade.
5. Under the 1987 rules, ASPOs were not eligible to appear in the examination for promotion to the post of Postal Services Group B as such a clarification was issued on 23-8-1994 making ASPOs and HSG-I officials eligible for appearing in the examination.
6. On the basis of the above rules in the cadre of postal Services Group B, total posts in the different quotas are as under :
(a) 75% quota 649
(b) 19% quota 165
(c) 6% quota 52

An important order on seniority in DoP.

# In view of the above position seniority of the official fixed on the basis of confirmation in the entry cadre prior to 4.11.92 will remain unaltered. Seniority of PAs/ SAs who have been appointed after 4.11.92 would be determined by the order of merit indicated at the time of initial appointment in the grade and not according to the date of his confirmation.

#This issues with the approval of Dy. Director General [P]
Department of Posts F. No. 06-04/2011-SPB-II dated 9th March, 2011.

An important order on seniorityby DOPT

====>>>A compendium of orders on seniority

Postmaster Grade I, II and III Filling up of short term vacancies

 I am directed to say that references are being received from Circles seeking clarifications with regard to filling up of the short terms vacancies in Postmaster Grade-I,II & III. It has been reported that representations have been received from Postmaster Grade-I /II officials asking for officiating promotion to Postmaster Grade-II/III although such officials do not fulfill the prescribed eligibility criteria stipulated under the relevant Recruitment Rules.

2.         It has been clarified vide Dte's letter of even number dated 7/8-2.2011 that the posts of Postmaster Grade-III should not be filled up under initial constitution clause by appointing HSG-I officials for the reason that sufficient number of regular officials in HSG-I would not have become available. It was further clarified that these posts can be filled up only after reviewing the position in the light of options received from eligible officials and appropriate decision taken by the Directorate in the matter. As per clarification No. 4 of Directorate's letter of even number dated 10.2.2011, the posts identified for Postmaster Cadres will be deemed to have been designated as Postmaster Grade-I, II & III with effect only from the dates those are filled  up regularly.  Therefore, the Post of Postmaster Grade III will be deemed to be so designated only when these are filled up through initial constitution clause. Infact, in terms of the clarification No.4 dated 10.2.2011, these posts cannot be treated as vacant by the Circle. In the given circumstances when at present there are no posts of Postmaster Grade-III in existence, the question of filling up through officiating arrangement does not arise. Thus, till the posts so identified as Postmaster Grade-III will continue to be manned by officials in General line.

3.         Regarding officiating arrangement in the vacancies of more than 45 days in Postmaster Grade-I & II, which have become vacant  after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II by filling up through initial constitution as clause as per the provisions of Recruitment Rules, the clarification No. 3 given vide Dte. Letter of even number dated 10.2.2011 was issued stating inter-alia that for filling up of leave vacancies / adhoc vacancies for more that 45 days in Postmaster Grade, the procedure prescribed in Dte's letter No. 137-99/2009-SPB.II dated 23.12.2009 should be followed.  It is envisaged in the said letter that only those employees in feeder grade fulfilling the eligibility condition prescribed in the Recruitment Rules should be considered for adhoc promotion.

4.         Subsequently, Directorate has issued instructions vide letter No. 137-64/2010-BPG.II dated 28.7.2011 permitting grant of officiating pay and Allowances to Selection Grade Officials who officiated in LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I posts in term of Rule 27 of Postal Manual Vol. IV  against the vacancies not exceeding three months. As per this Rule, the list of approved officers is prepared by the DPC and approved by the appointing authority and only when administrative exigencies required it, a person not in the list or not the first in order in the list may be appointed.

5.         Similar benefit has also been allowed to Selection Grade officials in terms of Rule 50 of Postal Manual Vol. IV which provides for officiating arrangement against the vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one month and more than four months in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in different stations, sub-divisions or divisions in a Circle and in the cadres in which promotion is made from officials working in the same office or station.

6.         In view of the above, to make officiating arrangements in vacancies not exceeding three months and vacancies of short duration i.e. not more than one and four months in Postmaster Grade I & II, which become vacant after they are designated as Postmaster Grade-I & II, the Circles may follow the instructions contained in Dte. Letter No. 137-64/2010-SPB-II dated 28.7.2011.

(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General (SPN)


I am writing this column for those who are desirous of collecting information under RTI and what should be the correct format to have information. As all of us know that, citizen has a right to seek such information from a public authority which is held by the public authority or which is held under its control. It is not open to a requester to ask, in the guise of seeking information, questions to the public authorities about the nature and quality of their actions. The RTI Act does not cast on the public authority any obligation to answer queries, to elicit answers to his questions with prefixes, such as, why, what, when and whether. As an applicant, we can only seek information as defined in Section 2 (f) either by pinpointing the file, document, paper or record, etc., or by mentioning the type of information as may be available with the specified public authority. We can, for example, ask for all records /Copy of decision taken/Copy of note sheets to implement certain orders. We can ask for copy of orders pertaining to implementation period as per law under the rule but not “What would be the further maximum reasonable time required to implement orders?” The definition of information cannot include within its fold answers to the question "which" that would be same thing as asking the reason for a justification for a particular thing. The public information authorities cannot expect to communicate to the citizen the reason why a certain thing was done or not done in the sense of a justification because the citizen makes a requisition about information. Justifications are matter within the domain of adjudicating authorities and cannot properly be classified as information." So I request all my friends that we should call for information under the ambit of RTI rules so that there would not have been any denial to the sought information by the Public Authority. 

Tenure Posting of officials in single handed & double handed post offices – Preventive Vigilance Measure.

D.G. Posts No. 8-4/2005-Inv dated 12th January, 2012.
            Instructions were issued vide this letter of even No. dated 22.9.2005 to the effect that officials who have been posted as SPM /PA in single handed or double handed Post Offices irrespective of period of posting/completion of tenure should not be posted back to the same office after a break as is being done now. In other words officials of single handed and double handed post offices can have only one posting in such offices during their service period. The letter however vested powers personally with the CPMG/PMG for relaxation of the provisions only in respect of double handed post offices in a specific case if warranted by exceptional administrative exigencies.
2.         For quite some time past, this office has been receiving reports/representations expressing difficulties faced in the implementation of these instructions in respect of single handed SOs. As such it has been decided that the powers of the CPMsG/PMsG for relaxation in respect of double handed SOs if warranted by exceptional administrative exigencies would be applicable in respect of single handed SOs also.
3.         This issues with approval of Secretary (Posts).

Fixation of Pay consequent upon 6th Pay Commission in cadres of Inspectors / PAs / AOs - reg.

Fixation of Pay consequent upon 6th Pay Commission in cadres of Inspectors / PAs /AOs in Income Tax Dept.

Consequent upon the upgradation of pay recommended by sixth CPC as 6500-10500 to 7450-11500 with Grade Pay of Rs.4600, many dept. has done fixation as on 01.01.2006 with basic pay as Rs.7450 for these cadres. But as that is not mentioned in the DOPT order memo dated 13.01.2009 [only enhancement of Grade Pay from Rs.4200 to Rs.4600 is mentioned in the said order], Zonal A/Cs offices are insisting for recoveries where the minimum has been fixed as Rs.13860 [7450 X 1.86] + Grade Pay of Rs.4600.
Recently I.T. Dept has issued an order to ZAO not to recover the amount as it is under "Active Consideration" of  DOPT and most likely it will be granted.
View the I.T Dept. Order Dtd. 28.12.2011

राष्ट्रीय ध्वजारोहण के निर्देश -

1- राष्ट्रीय ध्वज कही भी फहराया जाये,उसको सम्मानीय स्थान देना चाहिए|
कटा फटा और अस्त व्यस्त ध्वज को नहीं फहराना चाहिए |
राष्ट्रीय ध्वज को जानबूझकर उल्टा नहीं फहराना चाहिए,न तो धरती और फर्श को छूना चाहिए,और न ही पानी को छूना चाहिए|
किसी भी व्यक्ति के सम्मान में ध्वज को निचे नहीं करना चाहिए|
किसी भी प्रकार के कपड़े में तथा किसी वस्तु को लेन व् देने में राष्ट्रीय ध्वज का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए|
अपने लाभ के उद्देश्य से रास्ट्रीय ध्वज का प्रयोग नहीं करना चाहिए|
खेल और संस्कृतिक आयोजन में प्रयोग में लाये गए कागज के ध्वज को आयोजन के बाद फाड़ना और जमीन पर नहीं फेंकना चाहिए|

आप सभी से अनुरोध है कि देश में शान्ति बनाये रखे तथा नियमो का पालन करे|"
जय हिंद ""
हमारा धर्म आपकी सुरक्षा |

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

msconfig - System Configuration

msconfig - is the Microsoft System Configuration Utility. In Windows Vista and Windows 7 it is called as ‘System Configuration’. This is a tool that comes with the Windows Operating System. For Windows 2000 users this tool can be downloaded from microsoft website. This is used to configure and maintain your Windows System. In this tutorial we can see how to use this tool.
To start this tool goto Start->Run and type ‘msconfig’. A new window with five tabs will open.
  • General Tab: This tab has three sections. Normal Startup, Diagnostic Startup and Selective Startup. When Windows functions normally we use Normal Startup. When the system doesnt function properly, we can use diagnostic startup to diagnose the issue and to troubleshoot. If we want windows to start with specific programs then we can choose Selective Startup.
  • Boot Tab: This tab shows the operating systems installed in the computer. Additionally we can choose options such as ‘safe Boot’, ‘Boot log’, ‘Time out delay’. If you are a new PC user then it is best to leave this tab without any changes.
  • Services Tab: This tab lists all the services installed in this PC with the details such as whether the service is running or stopped etc. From here you can enable or disable services. You can check the ‘Hide all Microsoft services’, to hide all essential windows services so that you don’t change them by mistake. From here you can identify unknown services that take up your memory and stop them wherever necessary.
  • Startup Tab: Startup tab shows the list of programs that starts automatically when Windows starts. All system tray programs and programs that run in background will also be listed here. You can see which of these services and programs you don’t need at startup and remove them accordingly. This will speed up your windows startup time.
  • Tools Tab: In the tools tab you can see, System Information, Programs, System Restore etc.

Sanchay Post Updater

This Tool will help you for the first time installation of Sanchay or subsequent installation. Download the file ,unzip and save to CD or Thumb Drive and feel the ease of installation.

Download-:   Click
copy by spoitwa

Leave Rules for Central Govt. Employees

Dopt Published Leave Rules and Procedure for Central Govt. Employees

Leave Rules for Central Govt. Employees
Some important questions are arising among the serving employees of Central Government regarding their leave, the nodal Department of Central Government has now clarified as a method of Question and Answer, Frequently Asked Questions. We have reproduced and given below for your easy convenience to read the clarifications about Leave Entitlement, Earned Leave, Child Care Leave, Leave Encashment, EL Encashment, Encashment on LTC, Calculation of Encashment, CCL for Public Sector Employees…
Frequently asked Question by Departmental of Personnel and Training…

1. What are the leave entitlement of Govt. servants serving in a vacation Department w.e.f. 1.9.2008?
Earned leave for persons serving in Vacation Departments:-
(1) (a) A Government servant(other than a military officer) serving in a Vacation Department shall not be entitled to any earned leave in respect of duty performed in any year in which he avails himself of the full vacation.
(b) In respect of any year in which a Government servant avails himself of a portion of the vacation, he shall be entitled to earned leave in such proportion of 30 days, as the number of days of vacation not taken bears to the full vacation:
Provided that no such leave shall be admissible to a Government servant not in permanent employ or quasi-permanent employ in respect of the first year of his service.
(c) If, in any year, the Government servant does not avail himself of any vacation, earned leave shall be admissible to him in respect of that year under rule 26.
For the purpose of this rule, the term ‘year’ shall be construed not as meaning a calendar year in which duty is performed but as meaning twelve months of actual duty in a Vacation Department.
A Government servant entitled to vacation shall be considered to have availed himself of a vacation or a portion of a vacation unless he has been required by general or special order of a higher authority to forgo such vacation or portion of a vacation:
Provided that if he has been prevented by such order from enjoying more than fifteen days of the vacation, he shall be considered to have availed himself of no portion of the vacation.
When a Government servant serving in a Vacation Department proceeds on leave before completing a full year of duty, the earned leave admissible to him shall be calculated not with reference to the vacations which fall during the period of actual duty rendered before proceeding on leave but with reference to the vacation that falls during the year commencing from the date on which he completed the previous year of duty.
As per Rule 29(1) the half pay leave account of every Government servant (other than a military officer shall be credited with half pay leave in advance, in two installments of ten days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year.

2. Whether encashment of leave is allowed after LTC is availed.
Sanction of leave encashment should, as a rule, be lone in advance, at the time of sanctioning the LTC. However, ex-post facto sanction of leave encashment on LTC may be considered by the sanctioning authority as an exception in deserving
cases within the time limit prescribed for submission of claims for LTC.

3. Whether encashment of Leave with LTC can be availed at the time when the LTC is availed by the Government servant only or can leave be encashed at the time when LTC is availed by family members? A Govt. servant can be permitted to encash earned leave upto 10 days either at the time of availing LTC himself or when his family avails it, provided other conditions are satisfied.

4. Whether leave encashment should be revised on retrospective revision of pay/D.A?
In terms of 38-A of CCS(Leave) Rules, encashment of EL alongwith LTC is to be calculated on pay admissible on the date of availing LTC+DA admissible on that date. If pay or DA admissible has been revised with retrospective effect, the Govt. servant would be entitled to encashment of Leave on the revised rates.

5. Whether encashment of Earned Leave allowed to a Govt. servant prior to his joining the Central Govt. is to be taken into account while retiring ceiling of leave encashment on his superannuation and retirement from Central Govt.?
Encashment of EL allowed by the State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies for services rendered in the concerned Govt. etc. need not be taken into accounl for calculating the ceiling of 300 days of Earned leave to be encashed as per CCS(Leave) Rule.

6. Whether leave encashment can be sanctioned to a Govt. servant on his superannuation while under suspension? Leave encashment can be sanctioned, however Rule 39(3) of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972 allows with holding of leave encashment in the case of a Govt. servant who retires from service on attaining the age of superannuation while under suspension or while disciplinary or criminal proceedings are pending against him, if in view of the authority there is a possibility of some money becoming recoverable from him on conclusion of the proceedings against him. On conclusion of the proceedings he/she will become eligible to the amount so withheld after adjustment of Government dues, if any.

7.Whether leave encashment can be sanctioned to a Govt. servant on his dismissal/removal, from service?
A govt. servant who is dismissed/removed from service or whose services are terminated ceases to have any claim to leave at his credit from the date of such dismissal, as per rule 9(1). Hence he is not entitled to any leave encashment.

8. Whether interest is payable on delayed payment of leave encashment dues?
No, there is no provision in the CCS (Leave) Rule 1972 for payment of interest on leave encashment.

9. Whether a Govt. servant who has been granted study leave may be allowed to resign to take up a post in other Ministries/Department of the Central Govt. within the bond period?
Yes, As per rule 50(5)(iii) a Govt. servants has to submit a bond to serve the Govt. for a period of 3 years. As the Govt. servant would still be serving the Govt. / Department he may be allowed to submit his technical resignation to take up another post
within the Central Govt.

10. Whether women employees of Public sector undertakings/Bodies etc. Are entitled to CCL?
Orders issued by DOPT are not automatically applicable to the employees of Central Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous Bodies, Ranking industry etc. It is for the PSUs/ Autonomous Bodies to decide the applicability of the rules/instructions issued for the central Government employees to their employees in consultation with their Administrative Ministries.

11. Whether Govt. servant can be permitted to leave station/go abroad while on CCL?
Child care leave is granted to a woman employee to take care of the needs of the minor children. If the child is studying abroad or the Govt. servant has to go abroad for taking care of the child, she may do so subject to other conditions laid down for this purpose.

12. What is the intention behind the instruction that CCL is to be treated like EL and sanctioned as such?
The intention is that CCL should be availed with prior approval of leave sanctioning authority and that the combination of CCL with other leave, if any, should be as per the restriction of combination with EL. The restriction of the limit of 180 days at a stretch as applicable in the case of EL will not apply in case of CCL. The other conditions like CCL may not be granted for less than 15 days or in more than 3 spells, etc., in a year, will apply.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Watch leading TV channel through your computer

Step I
Open  VLC media Player       then  click      Media   option  from main menu 

Step  No  II      
Select Streaming option     from  media  and  click  Network tab
  Type   Channel URL  in  Address  box   and click  Play  button  
  For  example  :---->>>
You  would  like to watch  CNBC Aawaz  TV Channel then  
Paste the  undermentioned URL in  address box .


                             Here  we mentioned  url  of    some  major channel 
Channel Name

Aaj Tak
CNBC Aawaz
Headlines Today
NDTV 24×7
NDTV Profit
Times Now
NK News
RAJ News

Studio N
Zee Tamil
Zee Kannad
Zee Bangla
Music Box
Zoo Vision
B4u Music
Clubbing Tv
Bella Tv
Fashion Tv